#24in48 Readathon Wrap-Up!

As I mentioned last week, the #24in48 Readathon was this past weekend! I managed to read the whole 24 hours, and I even won a book during hour 42. It’s not my only motivation for doing the readathon by any means, but during the previous one I’d won a hardcover of How To Make A Wish by Ashley Herring Blake, and I believe I won a galley of an intriguing thriller this time, and winning books is just fun. Here’s an overview of my weekend!


Time spent reading: 24 hours 10 minutes 34 seconds

Pages read: 3,145

Books read: 10

Library books read: 2

Books read for class: 2

eARCs read: 6

Fiction books read: 8

Nonfiction books read: 2

Hours I spent doing homework instead of reading: ~5

Number of times I realized that I had an assignment due a week earlier than I thought it was originally due and had to scramble to finish it 22 minutes before the deadline: 1

Books Read:

  1. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth — 4 of 5 stars
  2. The Girl With The Red Balloon by Katherine Locke — 5 of 5 stars
  3. Down In The Belly Of The Whale by Kelley Kay Bowles (ARC) — 1 of 5 stars
  4. See All The Stars by Kit Frick (ARC) — 5 of 5 stars
  5. The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green (ARC) — 3 of 5 stars
  6. The Summer of Jordi Perez (And The Best Burger In Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding (ARC) — 4.5 of 5 stars
  7. The Cat Encyclopedia for Kids by Joanne Mattern (ARC) — 3 of 5 stars
  8. My Cat Yugoslavia by Pajtim Statovci — 2 of 5 stars
  9. Krazy: George Herriman, A Life In Black And White by Michael Tisserand — 5 of 5 stars
  10. Queerly Loving #2 edited by G Benson and Astrid Ohletz (ARC) –5 of 5 stars

While I clearly read some books that I didn’t think were that great, I loved a lot of the books I read! That also got me all caught up on my Netgalley ARCs, though I still need to actually write the reviews for them now. Speaking of which, reviews for many of these books are forthcoming — stay tuned!

Did you participate in #24in48 this weekend? How was your experience? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “#24in48 Readathon Wrap-Up!

  1. Pingback: TBR Thursday: How To Make A Wish Edition! – Benni Loves Books

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